While contemplating a career change, I accepted a position to work at a Girl Scout camp as the Photographer. Between going from activity to activity with the girls, I hiked. Camp was 880 acres at an elevation of 8300 feet. I woke up to bright blue skies, ponderosa pines and mountains interrupting the horizon line. The colors were amazing. The sun would set, and the mountains turned into layers of aubergine with an orange-pink sky. Dusk would come and the stars would come out, spanning a sapphire colored sky.
The theme that year amongst the staff, was “You Do You,” which seemed so fitting for the name of this kit, and a wonderful nod to those wonder team members, who I had the pleasure of watching grow as young women that summer and beyond.
Read more about that summer as a GS Camp Counselor here:http://colorado.aiga.org/2015/10/call-me-honeybear-summer-with-president-jess-moore/
Originally from Maryland, I came to Colorado for a vacation and fell in love. During a vacation in 2012, I said that I’d be back with a moving van. Indeed I was back for good in the summer of 2013.
Since moving, I have once again redefined my goals and pursuits. I have forgone the brick and mortar home for a travel trailer. I have been traveling to art shows throughout the Rocky Mountain region, and making art in campgrounds.
Jess Moore is the Owner and Artist behind You Do You Decor, as well as Simple & Sylvan. Jess brings 20 years experience in communications design to her art and holds an undergraduate degree in New Media Production from Emerson College and an M.F.A. in Integrated Design from the University of Baltimore.
In tandem with her previous career as a graphic designer in professional service, Jess began teaching in 2002, and has since taught in a variety of programs for communications and graphic design in Maryland and Colorado.
Additionally, Jess is passionate about the design community and has served on the AIGA Colorado Board of Directors, having joined the board in 2014 and served as Co-Membership Director before assuming the role of President for the 2015-2017 term.
Jess is also a full-time RVer who makes art while traveling. Follow Jess and her trailer named Sylvia here: http://WatchSylviaGo.com
Recently Jess volunteered 350 hours as a VIP (Volunteer in the Parks) with the National Park Service, and is looking forward to her position for 2020, starting in January.